Sunday, January 31, 2010

TBV Guest Writer: Dhoya Snijders

I had the pleasure of bumping into our next guest writer in the forests of Bolivia. He was eating the bark off a tree, which apparently was very good for heartburn. A self-described poet, Dhoya has an interesting story.

Given that he was conceived in Nigeria and schooled in Papua New Guinea, Dhoya has taken to English like a small cat takes to a bird, very well.
He is a professional hunter who likes to flirt with vegetarianism. He has spent over 2 years walking with the san people so as to release his book entitled: I walked with San people to get onto Oprah.
He has a history of Strawberry abuse and is seeing a Spanish hand model, Dhoya says he loves the rest of her too.

Please welcome in our third guest writer
Count Dhoya Snijders

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