Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Machete Race Wars

Over a crackling, 9V radio, in deepest, darkest Limpopo:

Why do we hate the whites...?...They are cockroaches.

Mzanzi is African...We are the majority.

Whites are the minority.

Blacks must kill all the Whites...

Stay alert – watch your neighbours!

Is now the time for us whites to fill up the dented army green jerry can? Stock out the Pick 'n Pay tinned food isle? And dig the air rifle out from the mouldy golf bag in the garage?

Fellow whites, we've done it before!

Lest we not forget:
- 1990, when he was released and you still thought Mandela was a terrorist
- 1994, when we weren't sure whether the AWB, MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe) or the Third Force would strike our living room first!
- 2000, and the indescribable threat of the invisible millennium bug
- Every aeroplane that flew over your house on September 12, 2001
- 2003, The SARS virus (and tax letter in the post after the income tax return deadline)
- Every third night you went to bed during Mandela's presidency: "Who will succeed him?!?!"
- Every second night of Mbeki's presidency: "When will someone succeed him!?!?"
- Every night of Zuma's presidency: "Who is he succeeding with right now?!?!"

And now Malema, who produces that unmistakable, cold and familiar tingle down your spine.

Umshini Wami my white brothers, Umshini Wami!

(Opening quote courtesy of Hotel Rwanda)

1 comment:

  1. Having read some of violent comments from Mike Rand's article below, there appear to be some South Africans who do not take this as a joke! How unrealistic is this scenario? It sounds far fetched, but in a small way, isn't this what happened to E.T.? And happened en masse in Zim?
