Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Internet: Are you on the wave?

A couple of years ago the internet was being questioned as a mere tool for bringing hardcore goat porn to underprivileged kids


Broadway even conjured up a song which went “the internet is for porn porn,”

Those days have come and gone. The Internet highway has turned into an entire galaxy. One might be thinking I am stating the obvious but let me try to explain.
I have just recently opened my life up to the internet beyond goat porn and I feel that as much as the internet information flow is growing my own knowledge is growing too.

The question is how have you used the internet today? I am not talking about checking your Facebook, then your work email ( in that order) and then some random news site which inevitably leads you to the dare to date me section to see the hot girl who apparently loves interesting conversation, good values and doesn’t mind if you look like Wayne Rooney without the fortune and the fame. I am talking how have you really used the Internet?

The other day I did an exercise whereby if I had any questions or needed to know something I would www it and take it from there.

I got up and feeling jovial with my new task went about exploring an eating option again I didn’t want to go for the obvious to find the best breakfast place, we already know where that is (Fournos Rosebank ask for Pretty tell her I sent you and you wont go wrong). Some bread sounds like a good start and so it began. Google how to make bread not only gives you exact recommendations but it also gives you a Youtube link to see it in action, its almost as fun as watching delayed golf.

4 hours later I had effectively made my bread and done a gym session at the same time. I clicked on how to get a gym workout while making bread and voila, tricepts, bicepts and chest done for the day, believe me it works.

Next mission what to do for the rest of the day. Well I have always wanted to be like bob the builder but unfortunately my skills are limited to changing a plug out so the next task would be to build a lamp from scratch. No worries the internet practically makes the lamp for me. Alas the only thing the internet cannot do is keep your interest in a certain topic so in my garage I have a half baked lamp and printed instructions on where to go from there if I ever need them.

The next part of the day was great, friends had invited me to a wine tasting event in the middle of the sticks. Two problems the sticks is a very very long way away and I have no idea about wine. Right it was back to the laptop and low and behold I became the oenophile in two minutes , . As for the sticks problem solved by google maps.

At this point It must be stipulated that I am not a computer geek far from it. Just the other day I executed my first booking online for an air ticket, no more waiting in long queues and paying exorbitant travel agent fees. In this modern day the tools and lingo I am using is the most basic form of what’s out there. It will soon become a must to understand concepts like blogging, html coding and the likes.

The day ended with me uploading absolutely every photo I had onto Facebook even the out of focus ones and then tagging everyone I knew plus others that I didn’t and then updating my profile to saying Andrew is hungry, note this wasn’t done but can people please not tell me about the fact that they are hungry and need a bath over Facebook I DON’T CARE.

The only thing I hadn’t done was listen to a political leader speak about a very prominent issue but if I did want to do that, and bobs really your uncle there it is.

So the next time you find yourself at work with nothing to do, which I would say is probably why you are on this Blog, or just have a few outstanding questions pop the browser on and see where it takes you.

You dig

Andrew "The Internet" Levy

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