Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Japan finds itself in a situation of stagnation that can only be turned around by massive economic revitalization. Because of the rapidly decreasing population the only answer to the problem would be immigration. To keep the economy steady at current rates over 300 000 immigrants would be required each year, and to keep it at 1995 levels over 500 000. Is Japan going to open up its borders and allow mass immigration? Not a fuck!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Archetypes of racism

Mugabe, ET, and Malema. These men have dominated these pages and the local media spotlight over the last week. They are politically divisive, as were the articles about them on the The Blind View last week. But what do they have in common? And why do they capture our imagination so?

, ET, and Malema are archetypes of racists. Mugabe and ET can be called vintage racists: trespassing best describes their world view of the much feared, other race. Defending their farm, society, and country from illegitimate occupiers is the creed both of them have preached and practised.

But Malema is a new generation of archetype. At times, he is labelled a traditional, trespassing racist, for instance when he talks of nationalising the mines, but, in fact, he represents something altogether new and exciting.

Sensational racism

Over the last week, The Blind View (TBV) has published several satirical articles on Julius Malema, Robert Mugabe, and Eugene Terre'blanche. There was a strong response from readers and contributors.

Mike's article, Julius on Education, caused a real stir, including a death threat:
"It is unfortunate that South Africa still has such racist bigot pale skinned moffies... people should kill all the Blind View writers for being racist... One settler!!! One bullet!!!"

Luckily that threat proved to be as real as the AWB's speedily retracted call for 'revenge'.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Malema: creating a society free of racism

Julius Malema threw a BBC journalist out of a media conference yesterday, telling him,

`Not to bring his white tendencies here! `

Malema however claims that he is not a racist.

`I was referring to the tendency of the white person to have a pink skin` he said.

He was unfortunately not available to explain what he meant by this comment as in the early hours of the morning he shot his cellphone, mistaking it for what his spokesman described as a `Very small farmer.`

`That whitey badly provoked Julius` his spokesman Panga `One Bullet` Masinga, said in a statement. `He was sitting there with his white face. Can you get more racist than that? `

Julius was so upset by this terrible provocation that he was forced to drink three bottles of Johnny Walker Blue Label. Towards the end of the third bottle Mr. Malema realized that `This Walker person had probably been a whitey and therefore a racist.` explained Masinga, `that was the reason that the whisky had been forcing itself down his throat and making him become drunk! `

He then took his Range Rover and drove it into a nearby wall.

`This is a classic example of Colonial racism` Panga explained. `Both the whisky and the Rover are British things made by racists. What’s more the wall he crashed into was white. For those who still refuse to see the truth, I say this – you will be shot! You bloody racist! `

What plans did Malema have for the near future?

`Mr. Malema is determined to create a society free of racism. As we know all whites are racist. Therefore, the quickest way to create a society free of racism is to get rid of all the white people. `

The AWB in the 'new 20th Century'

Much of South Africa was shocked a few nights ago when the AWB`s secretary general Andre Visagie stormed off the set of Africa 360. In a statement released by the AWB last night their new spokesman Piet van Klapman said,

`This thing have been blown in the wrong direction. On AndrĂ©’s farm the ousie brings him his tea and melktert and never looks him amongst the eyes. Now here she is telling him what are what.`

When it was explained that the woman on Africa 360 was not Visagie`s domestic worker but political analyst Lebohang Pheko, Klapman said,

`But to Visagie she happened to look very similar. He made a mistake.`

Thursday, April 8, 2010


A source close to The Blind View who wished to remain anonymous for what he said were ‘obvious reasons’ claims to have had inside access to some of the recent meetings that took place between Mugabe and Malema.

‘Most of the time they were discussing interior design’ he said. ‘Remember that Mugabe has been in the game for a long time and Malema is only just starting out.’

Mugabe who presides over the 193rd largest economy in the world, prides himself on having rid his country of Colonialists. Zimbabwe’s GDP is 1.9 billion dollars per annum while it is rumored that Mugabe has many billions stacked away in offshore bank accounts making him wealthier than everyone else in the country combined.

‘This is the kind of thing they were discussing’ said our source.

‘Mugabe explained that the word colonialism is like 9/11. As long as you keep reminding people about it you can do whatever you want.’

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Machete Race Wars

Over a crackling, 9V radio, in deepest, darkest Limpopo:

Why do we hate the whites...?...They are cockroaches.

Mzanzi is African...We are the majority.

Whites are the minority.

Blacks must kill all the Whites...

Stay alert – watch your neighbours!